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- Introduction · http2讲解
- GitHub does dotfiles-
- Introduction · Linux-Tutorial
- 1. 总览篇 · Kubernetes生态圈使用
- GitHub - centrifugal/centrifugo: Scalable real-time messaging in language-agnostic way
- GitHub - rongfengliang/centrifugo-docker-compose: centrifugo with redis run with docker-compose && simple nodejs sub app
- GitHub - fvbock/endless: Zero downtime restarts for go servers (Drop in replacement for http.ListenAndServe)
- Introduction · The-Golang-Standard-Library-by-Example
- Go语言学习 - cyent笔记
- go-locks · GitHub
- Go Iris中文文档 · Go Web Iris中文网
- Introduction · Build web application with Golang
- Introduction · Consul DevOps Handbook
- Introduction · Consul入门指南
- 《Go Web 编程》 | Golang 技术论坛
- GitHub - agile6v/awesome-nginx: A curated list of awesome Nginx distributions, 3rd party modules, Active developers, etc.
- 前言 · Docker —— 从入门到实践
- Docker Samples · GitHub
- MIT课程《Distributed Systems 》学习和翻译
- Introduction · Consul DevOps Handbook
- Introduction · Nginx 学习笔记
- GitHub - unknwon/the-way-to-go_ZH_CN: 《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》
- GitHub - dotbalo/k8s: There are some yaml file of k8s.
- SRE Books
- go-study
- Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
- pure-bash-bible
- GitHub - xitu/gold-miner: 🥇掘金翻译计划,可能是世界最大最好的英译中技术社区,最懂读者和译者的翻译平台:
- GitHub - KeKe-Li/kubernetes-tutorial: Running Kubernetes cluster Locally tutorial
- GitHub - whmzsu/Study-Kubernetes: Kubernetes和容器及相关周围生态学习总结翻译资料
- 序言 · Kubernetes Handbook
- 序言 · Kubernetes指南
- 序言 - Kubernetes指南
- 序言 · Kubernetes Handbook - Kubernetes中文指南/云原生应用架构实践手册 by Jimmy Song(宋净超)
- 序言 · Istio Handbook - Istio 服务网格进阶实战 by Jimmy Song(宋净超)
- GitHub - fleeto/istio-for-beginner: Sample code for my book
- GitHub - nightfury1204/kubernetes-handbook: Kubernetes helper resources
- Kubernetes 中文指南 - BlueDoc
- 序言 · 从 Docker 到 Kubernetes 进阶手册
- 序 · Istio Handbook - Istio 服务网格进阶实战 by ServiceMesher(服务网格中文社区)
- 1. 前言 · GitBook
- Introduction - prometheus-book
- 使用 Vagrant 搭建虚机环境 - Tech & Life
- 腾讯云容器团队
- Introduction · Kubernetes 中文文档
- Go Module代理仓库
- 华为开源镜像站
- 清华大学开源软件镜像站
- USTC open source
- 华中科技大学开源镜像站
- Falco
- tornado vs gunicorn
- GitHub - mattn/goreman: foreman clone written in go language
- pm2
- SMI | A standard interface for service meshes on Kubernetes.
- Container Network Interface (CNI)
- Container Storage Interface (CSI)
- Open Container Initiative (OCI)vs Container Runtime Interface (CRI)
- The Open Container Initiative (OCI) is a Linux Foundation project to design open standards for operating-system-level virtualization, most importantly Linux containers.There are currently two specifications in development and in use: Runtime Specification (runtime-spec) and the Image Specification (image-spec).OCI develops runC, a container runtime that implements their specification and serves as a basis for other higher-level tools.
- Podman and Buildah and Skopeo
- Open Repository for Container Tools
- containerd
- cri-o: OCI conformant runtimes
- kata containers
- gvisor
- firecracker-microvm
- KubeVirt
- Virtlet
- OpenMetrics
- DAS:直连存储
- NAS:网络附属存储
- SAN:存储区域网 //FC-SAN、IP-SAN
- GitHub - intel/cc-oci-runtime: OCI (Open Containers Initiative) compatible runtime for Intel® Architecture
- Dockerless, part 1: Which tools to replace Docker with and why | articles about programming on mkdev
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